New Orleans Performance Management Blog2019-03-11T09:09:14-05:00

The Couret Chronicle

7602 represents the address of the house where Julie was born and raised in New Orleans. It is literally where the executive coach in her was born. As a child, Julie acquired a vintage manual typewriter and began a family newsletter designed to keep the family  informed on the comings and goings of everyone’s busy lives. So much of the Executive Coach she is today stems from her life at 7602.

I Coach My Clients As If It Were My Career At Stake.

Almost her entire life, Julie acted on the need for individuals to be included and informed and named her newsletter
 The Couret Chronicle.

Sadly, those original loose leaf hand typed treasures were washed away in Hurricane Katrina. But remaining and never wavering is Julie’s drive for every person to feel understood, valued, and informed. 

Julie knows individuals spend so much of their lives at work, there is no reason every single individual should not feel respected, happy, and thriving while at work. She has identified what is necessary for and what gets in the way of a flourishing workplace experience.

Julie is using a Mac these days and hopes you find these performance management blog posts a value!

As the Director of Education for the Louisiana Credit Union League, I am asked to bring in presenters that will help educate and inspire our members in a vast array of topics. When it comes to skills like communication, team-building and leadership, Julie is the first presenter that comes to my mind.

We have invited her to speak at numerous events from intimate single day workshops to our multi day Annual Meeting and Convention. Julie always hits the right notes with our attendees and leaves them feeling positive, comfortable, and empowered in their role in the workplace.

Her style of teaching feels more like an informative conversation, which immediately puts everyone at ease and her interactive hands-on sessions truly engages everyone in the learning process. When I book Julie, I am confident that attendees will walk away informed and inspired!

Jodi Brooks, Director of Education, Louisiana Credit Union League
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